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WISE POC Birth Doula Training

The WISE (Women In Support and Empowerment) POC Doula training, is a 3 day intensive workshop, that combines lectures, hands-on skill development, role-playing, group discussions & activities, guest speakers and more.

During this comprehensive training, you’ll gain the education and skills needed to support expectant parents, in preparation for pregnancy, labor, birth and parenthood.

This training aims to promote an understanding of the cultural impact of Doula care, from a birth & reproductive justice advocacy lens. It also explores the herstory of labor support people from an African-centered perspective.

Not only will you learn how to become a birth professional, who offers superior support to the pregnant people in your community, you’ll walk away able to make necessary connections to social justice issues, that are often ignored by mainstream Doula training programs and the childbirth community.

Space is limited, so register today!